Does Medicare Cover Weight Loss Surgery at CER Bariatrics?
Knowing How Medicare Works for Weight Loss Surgery Figuring out if Medicare helps pay for weight loss surgeries, like the ones at CER Bariatrics, can be a bit tricky. We’re here to explain whether Medicare covers these important procedures, making it easier for you to understand. Medicare, a government health insurance plan, sometimes covers certain types of weight loss surgeries. But, there are conditions that need to be met to be eligible for this coverage. Let's break it down to make it simpler for you to understand. Qualifying for Medicare Coverage BMI Requirement: To qualify, you usually need a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 35 or higher. Medically Necessary: The surgery should be necessary for dealing with health issues linked to obesity, such as diabetes or high blood pressure. Required Documents: You'll need medical records and recommendations from your doctor to be eligible. Kinds of Weight Loss Surgeries Covered Medicare might cover a few types of weight loss surgeries: Gastric Bypass Surgery Gastric Sleeve Surgery Adjustable Gastric Banding (Lap-Band) However, the coverage might differ based on the Medicare plan you have or where you live. So, it's good to talk to a healthcare provider or someone who knows about [...]