Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery
The Evolution of Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery: From Complex Beginnings to a Standalone Solution Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery has an interesting history that spans several decades of medical innovation. It evolved from earlier bariatric procedures and was initially part of more complex surgeries. Here’s a breakdown of its origins: Bariatric surgery, aimed at treating obesity, began in the 1950s. Early surgeries, such as the jejunoileal bypass, involved rearranging the digestive system to limit calorie absorption. However, these procedures often had severe complications, leading to the development of more refined methods. 1980s: The modern era of bariatric surgery began with the development of the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, which became the gold standard for weight loss surgery. It reduced the stomach size and rerouted part of the intestines, limiting food intake and nutrient absorption. The sleeve gastrectomy surgery as we know it today originated in the 1990s. It was initially conceived as the first step in a two-part procedure known as biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD-DS), which is a highly effective but complex surgery. 1990s: Surgeons performing the BPD-DS noticed that some patients who only underwent the stomach reduction (removal of a portion of the stomach) achieved significant weight loss. [...]