Bariatric Surgery

Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery

The Evolution of Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery: From Complex Beginnings to a Standalone Solution Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery has an interesting history that spans several decades of medical innovation. It evolved from earlier bariatric procedures and was initially part of more complex surgeries. Here’s a breakdown of its origins: Bariatric surgery, aimed at treating obesity, began in the 1950s. Early surgeries, such as the jejunoileal bypass, involved rearranging the digestive system to limit calorie absorption. However, these procedures often had severe complications, leading to the development of more refined methods. 1980s: The modern era of bariatric surgery began with the development of the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, which became the gold standard for weight loss surgery. It reduced the stomach size and rerouted part of the intestines, limiting food intake and nutrient absorption. The sleeve gastrectomy surgery as we know it today originated in the 1990s. It was initially conceived as the first step in a two-part procedure known as biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD-DS), which is a highly effective but complex surgery. 1990s: Surgeons performing the BPD-DS noticed that some patients who only underwent the stomach reduction (removal of a portion of the stomach) achieved significant weight loss. [...]

By |2024-09-14T16:04:27-07:00January 7, 2022|Bariatric Surgery, News|0 Comments

CER Bariatrics has Joined the battle Against Diabetes

CER Bariatrics has Joined the battle Against Diabetes CER Bariatrics knows that the risk of Bariatric Surgery is less than the risk of complication and even death from diabetes. Diabetes is now becoming to be known as the silent killer. Diabetes currently affects more than 30.3 million people in the US alone and that number is quickly rising year after year. Over 90% of people with the disease have Type 2, which is associated with obesity and overweight, lack of physical activity, family history and older age. Unlike Type 1 diabetes in which the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin, the pancreas in patients with Type 2 diabetes produces enough insulin, but for unknown reasons, the body is unable to use the insulin. Diabetes can lead to blindness, heart, and blood vessel disease, strokes, kidney failure, amputations, and nerve damage and even death. Bariatric surgery can cure some patient with Diabetes Bariatric surgery, formerly used only for treating obesity, is now being explored as a cure for type 2 diabetes not only in obese patients but also in normal weight or moderately overweight A recent study on over 25,000 patients showed that 85 percent who underwent Roux-n-Y gastric bypass [...]

By |2024-09-28T03:03:50-07:00January 7, 2022|Bariatric Surgery, News|0 Comments

Wanting to Get Pregnant and Lose Weight?

  Wanting to Get Pregnant and Lose Weight? Plastic or Bariatric Surgery? It’s not uncommon for us to receive a call or an email of a prospective patient trying to improve her physical appearance but also thinking into the future. We get this question all the time, “I want to have a Tummy Tuck, but I want to be able to get pregnant afterwards. Is it possible?” In order for you to make the decision, it is important that you understand how the Tummy Tuck procedure is done and what a pregnancy does to a woman’s abdominal muscles. Firstly, the Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty) removes the excess fat and skin on the abdominal area creating a smoother and firmer appearance. An incision is done above the pubic area and around the belly button. Afterwards, the skin is pulled down like a window shield and cutting the extra skin and, thus, creating flat abdomen. The American Society of Plastics Surgeons does not recommend this procedure to women who are planning a significant amount of weight loss and/or planning future pregnancies since this may cause the muscles to stretch back again. What a pregnancy does to the abdominal muscles is exactly what [...]

By |2024-06-18T15:50:39-07:00January 7, 2022|Bariatric Surgery, News|0 Comments

Before Undergoing Weight Loss Surgery

  Before Undergoing Weight Loss Surgery You may be considering weight loss surgery if after several time of attempting to lose weight with different methods and keep it off, in this article you will find some facts you should know before undergoing Bariatric Surgery.   WHAT IS A WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY? A Weight loss surgery is the perfect solution for those patients who’ve tried every method to lose weight without any success. A Bariatric Surgery will help you with your eating habits, chronic diseases and, most importantly, achieve a healthy lifestyle. The most common Weight Loss Procedures at CER Hospital are:   Gastric Sleeve Gastric Bypass Gastric Lap Band Duodenal Switch Weight Loss Surgery can be lifesaving, but you need to be dedicated to making dramatic and permanent changes to how you eat and live. CHECK IF YOU MEET QUALIFICATION CRITERIA One of the most important things to consider before you undergo Bariatric Surgery is to check if you are a candidate for the surgery. For a person with some underlying diseases, the BMI (Basic Metabolic Index) has to be at least 32.5 and for those with no medical condition, the BMI has to be a minimum of 37.5. [...]

How to Prepare Before Bariatric Surgery

HOW TO PREPARE BEFORE BARIATRIC SURGERY A Bariatric Surgery is the perfect solution for those patients who’ve tried every method to lose weight without any success. A Bariatric Surgery will help you with your eating habits, chronic diseases and, most importantly, achieve a healthy lifestyle. There are many essential steps you must take to prepare for weight loss (bariatric) surgery, and your commitment to lifestyle change begins before surgery itself. Here are some tips you should follow to prepare before bariatric surgery. PRE-OP LIQUID DIET Before you go to surgery, it’s very important that you reduce the amount of fat around the liver and spleen, a preoperative liquid diet must be followed as indicated by your Surgeon or Patient Coordinator before bariatric surgery. If this diet is not followed, then surgery may be delayed or cancelled intra-operatively (during the procedure). AVOID USING MEDICINES Do not take any aspirin, Advil, Nuprin, Aleve, blood thinners or any other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, also do not take any herbal medications, multivitamins or any other type of supplements for 12 days prior to surgery. For headache or minor pains you may use Tylenol. You may restart these medications the next day after surgery. The [...]

By |2024-06-18T15:53:51-07:00January 7, 2022|Bariatric Surgery, News|0 Comments

Things you Should Know About Gastric Sleeve

WHAT IS GASTRIC SLEEVE? Gastric sleeve surgery or also known as sleeve gastrectomy, vertical sleeve gastrectomy, vertical Gastroplasty or sleeve Gastroplasty, is one of the most safest procedures of bariatric surgery that has quickly been gaining popularity over the recent years. The sleeve gastrectomy is surgery where they removed about 80% of the stomach, this is achieved by a probe calibration 34-36 fr, depending on each case, so that we ensure achieve adequate resection and avoid removal an excessive amount of the entire stomach. It is currently the most performed bariatric procedures for its good results and its low complication rate compared to other more complex procedures. In our practice, it is routinely performed laparoscopically and according to each case with three incisions or single port surgery, depending on the conditions of each patient. It is ideal for patients without previous bariatric surgery, as well as an option for previous revision surgery for weight loss as an adjustable gastric band among other procedures. Without presenting any deficiencies of vitamins views you evolution of other surgery an excellent decrease in body mass with a loss of approximately 65 to 70% of excess weight is expected, in addition to significantly improve [...]

By |2024-06-18T15:54:21-07:00January 7, 2022|Gastric Sleeve, News|0 Comments
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