Anesthesia And Surgery

General anesthesia and surgery a concept that many of us discuss without fully understanding it or experiencing it firsthand. Anesthesia has been a true blessing in recent decades, revolutionizing the surgical field. Before its invention, patients had to endure surgeries while fully conscious, leading to significant challenges.


General Anesthesia is a compound of drugs that lower the intensity of pain. Knocks you unconscious, intervenes with the nerve signals from your brain and body and keeps you from moving during the operation, since as we’ve stated before it can be hard for the surgeons to perform your procedure correctly if you aren’t completely still. A lot of people have confused it for it being as “sleep” when it really isn’t like sleep at all! Interesting isn’t it? General anesthesia is more like being under a coma, you completely lose awareness, the ability to feel pain, form memories and even move! But worry not, anesthesia is considered to be safe for most patients, either way there are some side effects to keep in mind.


Side effects after anesthesia are rather minor and will wear off at most in a day, but most patients completely recover in a few hours. You might get nausea, pain or discomfort, vomiting, dry mouth, sore throat, muscle aches, itching, shivering and sleepiness. The anesthesia will be out of your system in around 12-24 hours; the best remedy for these side effects is time more than medication. These medications after anesthesia is oxycodone, and oxycodone with acetimonaphen.


General anesthesia has 3 main stages, going under (known as induction) which is known by inserting anesthesia in your system either by blood or by inhaling it., Staying under (maintenance) and recovery (emergence). The way we get anesthesia into your system can be through breathing in gas, or injecting it into your bloodstream; after it the anesthesiologist will keep in check all your vital signs. After it your whole body will be relaxed and once it is fully in function the surgery will begin.


After anesthesia, even after your recovery, we recommend you to not do things by yourself for a whole day, have someone to be by your side (like a friend or a family member) to drive you home. We recommend this a lot and mainly for the first 24 hours since those are the times where you will need someone by your side the most. Even if we mentioned anesthesia side effects subside in the first few hours, it’s better to not risk it, plus having someone you trust to accompany you can be fun or at least you’ll feel more relaxed.


You don’t have to worry about much of the risks, since anesthesia is generally safe and safe for anyone to be undergone. Yet older adults, or those with serious medical problems, particularly those undergoing more extensive procedures. Specific conditions that can increase your risk of complications during surgery include:



Obstructive sleep apnea


High blood pressure



Other medical conditions involving your heart, lungs or kidneys

Medications, such as aspirin, that can increase bleeding

History of heavy alcohol use

Drug allergies

History of adverse reactions to anesthesia


Anesthesia awareness under general anesthesia is a rare experience that happens when patients can recall their surroundings or an event related to their surgery while they were under general anesthesia. Patients have reached the point in which they feel slight pain from the surgery performed while anesthesic awareness, in the worst cases it could cause PTSD, but if its rare to have anesthesia awareness it’s 10 times more uncommon that you’ll develop this mental health issue.

Anesthesia awareness is not the same as remembering some activities surrounding your procedure, such as something that happened just before the anesthesia started working or when its effects began to wear off after surgery. This is normal. You might even dream during surgery and only think you experienced awareness.

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