
Your First Holiday After Weight Loss Surgery

Your First Holiday After Weight Loss Surgery Your first holiday after weight loss surgery is a big moment filled with excitement and hope. It's a time to celebrate not only the holidays but also the amazing transformation you've been through. As you gather with loved ones, the joy of sharing these special moments can bring new experiences and opportunities. Embrace this holiday with a heart full of gratitude, knowing that your journey has brought you to a place of new energy and strength. This holiday season, enjoy every moment with mindfulness and balance. Your body has worked hard to adapt to these changes, and now it's time to honor that effort by enjoying festive meals that fit your new lifestyle. Plan by preparing or choosing dishes that meet your nutritional needs while still allowing you to enjoy the holiday spirit. Remember, this is a chance to celebrate your progress, not just with food but with the joy of being present and creating memories with those you love. As you celebrate, cherish the progress you've made and the future ahead. Your first holiday after weight loss surgery symbolizes your dedication and strength. By embracing this particular time with a heart [...]

Alcohol Cravings Post-bariatric Surgery

Managing alcohol cravings after surgery is a crucial aspect of the recovery process and requires careful attention. This is particularly important after bariatric surgery, as it can significantly impact long-term well-being and success. Learning and implementing effective strategies to cope with these cravings healthily and sustainably is crucial. Developing healthy coping mechanisms, such as seeking support from healthcare professionals or engaging in alternative activities, can play a significant role in managing alcohol cravings post-bariatric surgery. By prioritizing the development of these strategies, individuals can better navigate the challenges associated with alcohol cravings and establish a solid foundation for their ongoing recovery journey. Alcohol cravings post-bariatric surgery, it can be challenging to drink alcohol because the surgery changes how the body absorbs and breaks down alcohol. This is especially true for procedures like gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy, which alter the stomach and intestines. Increased Sensitivity: After surgery, the smaller stomach size and changed digestive pathways absorb alcohol faster. This leads to quicker intoxication and more potent effects from even small amounts of alcohol. Nutritional Concerns: Alcohol has empty calories with no nutritional value, which can make it harder to lose weight and can interfere with critical nutritional goals [...]

Maintain Your Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery

10 WAYS TO MAINTAIN YOUR WEIGHT LOSS AFTER BARIATRIC SURGERY How to maintain your weight Loss after bariatric surgery is a lifesaving procedure. You will lose weight. You will reduce your co-morbidities and you will feel better and look better. However, to be successful (long-term), you have to change your diet. This sounds simple, but it’s not. Be prepared for a struggle. You’ve spent much of your life building and reinforcing bad eating habits. Those have to change. Here are 10 ways to maintain your weight loss after bariatric surgery. 1. EAT YOUR BREAKFAST Most people are pretty good at eating the same breakfast day in and day out, and usually this is a healthy meal! Start your day right with some protein, fruit or vegetable and some fiber in order to start your metabolism for the day. Your surgery was designed for you to eat small amounts of food a few times per day, so you can’t skip breakfast and eat more at dinnertime. 2. SAVE YOUR STARCHES Many of our patients find that their appetite returns about 6-9 months after surgery, and they usually find more room in their diet for starches! These are things like bread, [...]

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